Tiki Cocktails Bar Hire

Bar Brothers Make Your Event Truly Memorable

Tiki Cocktails Bar Hire is one of Bar Brothers themed Popular Services, But before we get to it, let’s understand Tiki. What if I told you that there was a Tiki Cocktails style drinking establishment before tiki bars even existed?

What if I told you it existed in 1917, 16 years before Don Beach opened Don the Beachcombers. In this case, it wasn’t a bar but a soda fountain doing “Hawaiian Week” in March 1917. Effectively it was a soda fountain tiki pop-up.

History of Tiki Bar

Anyone who has read about the history of the tiki bar fad started in the 1930s knows that Donn Beach (Ernest Raymond Beaumont Gantt) opened the first tiki bar called Don the Beachcomber in Hollywood.

Knowing that I’ve always wondered what inspired him. His bar opened up after prohibition so he must have had a lot of exposure to soda fountains before that time, and the one thing soda fountains had were a lot of unique syrups and fruit juice combinations.

Though the article mentions the event only happening for a week, these soda fountain/pharmacy journals had a tendency to create old-school “viral” carbon copies. The purpose of these journals was to share profitable ideas amongst the profession.

We Provide Uniformed Staff, Fancy Tiki Glasses, Decorated Mobile Bar and Fancy Tiki Cocktails

Bar Brothers Event provides the most detailed and Professional Tiki Cocktails Bar Hire service in the UK. We look after every detail from uniformed staff, fancy Tiki Glasses, Decorated Bar, and Fancy Tiki Cocktails Recipes to impress every guest at your Tiki Cocktail Party.

This particular service is very popular especially in house-themed parties, student parties, and occasionally Corporate themed parties.

Our Bartenders for hire have been trained to serve the best Tiki Cocktail Recipes to delight everyone at the party, all you will be doing is asking for more. The detailed Cocktail Garnish, the flavors, the fire, these are only some of the great qualities of these great Cocktails.

Tiki Cocktails Bar Hire

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